clickMe :)

It's me. Just me. Forever me.

Its truly me :) sahraniemohamah..


Counting Days is Menghitung Hari

Assalamualaikum. Segala puji hanya untuk Allah. Selawat dan salam keatas kekasih Allah, Nabi Muhammad SAW.
Nah. Exam week is done but my friends and I didn't go back to Sabah. This is because we still have a program next week.
So what? We've to accept that our semester holiday which is 1month will be just 2week instead. Haahh! Who you're, please aware darl. Its a future degree holder student life's somehow. So please came to your sense! =.="
But, what I've to say here is we've been through a bored day in here. What a damn bored day! Argh! Its just like.. Sleep wakeup eat watching movie checking smartphone updating status tweeting something youtubing. Eh? Haha. Its such a bored thing to do repeatedly. Oh gosh!
This feeling just now like... Ahh why the day seems too slow to end up?! What I want now just "Balik Sabah, Keningau is calling me!"
So please aware dear ELSP and ALSP. I'm sorry but I'm not in mood with the two of you now. But really,I'll try to finish you two successfully. Hopefully. Thank you.
The homesickness,

Update!! :D

Assalamualaikum :)

Hm.. lamanya x update blog yg tersayank nie.. cian blog kan x kena update2.. sbb x masa mw update nie..

Haa! ni mw cerita, I'm just end my school day! yeahh! :D hepi pula.. hehe.. hepi tu, hepi jgk.. tp yg x hepinya trpaksa tinggalkn kwn2.. huhu *sob sob* :(

Yalaa, even its just 1 half year kami bersama.. (chey, bersama lh pula :P) but this is the true maa.. kami da mcm 1 family.. mcm 1Malaysia pun ada jgk.. hehe.. susah senang kami x kisah, hepi x hepi pun kami jgk.. mc jgk bersatu hati wlau kdg ada yg x satu hati.. tp they are the best for me ! :D

Aaa.. sdhnya skrg nie sy amatlah bosan.. kerja, xtw mw kerja apa.. last2 kena sruh jga anak Mci plak.. isht3.. tulah, diam2 lg di rumah x kuar2 p cari kerja.. pdhl kerja berlambak d pekan.. isht.. tp xpa, best apa jga budak comel :)


Haa.. tengok! comel kan.. hehe.. lebih kurang mcm nie lah comelnye :))
tp kenakalannya pun gak comel jgk lh.. haha, kdg tu bleh fedap jganye.. susah beno...eh3.. sory3 :P

Jd kalau ikut ceritanya, nie tgh tnggu result STPM sbnarnyan nie.. hhee.. agak gementar jugak lh.. x lama lagi kuar lh result tuh.. agak2 hjung bln 2 mgkn, xpn awal bulan 3.. isht, seram sejuk woo.. harap2 keputusan memberikan kegembiraan pd diri ini.. Aminn Ya Rabb~

Dah lh, mw chaw dlu.. hehe.. nnt ada masa update lagi blog nie.. alaa sayang2.. jgn sedih ye blog yg tersayang.. kau tetap di hatiku.. hihihihi :DD
diharapkan tahun nie kita semua beroleh kesejahteraan n kebahagiaan yah :)

for the last but not least, i will always remember those who ever present in my whole lifetime :)) love you all.. for real.. ok.. adiós:)


Nie lah gambar Sekolahku yg tercInta itu.. :)

haa.. ptn nie cuma nk post kan gmbar skolah tercinta nieja..heehee
wlaupn x sberapa.. mau post jgk!

Nie pemandangan waktu pagi :)

Nie plak time wktu Asar gitue ^^

Masjid Al-Bukhari

Ambik pic nie dari kelas tau~ hehe

haaa~ tu la antara sedikit sebanyak pic skuwl sy ye~ hehe
wlaupn x sbrapa, tp best tw kt cni..^^

ok lh tu je yg nk di kongsikan..
nnt lain masa ada lg lh tu.. XD
